Our address is 8B 11411 40 Ave NW, Edmonton. We are conveniently located on 114 street 40 Avenue in the Petrolia Mall (Main entrance at the back of the Mall).
Hours of Operation
ABC Child Development Centre Daycare & Out of School Care is open Monday to Friday from 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM. We are closed on all statutory holidays and for the Winter Break for two weeks aligning with the School Holiday schedule.
Welcome to ABC Child Development Centre Daycare & Out of School Care

ABC Child Development Centre has been in operation since 1986. The centre has been providing best in class services to the Greenfield and neighbouring Communities with a professional and dedicated team of early childhood educators. Our centre has had the honour of becoming one of the first accredited centres in the city. Our Director’s expertise and dedication reflect upon the staff and daily operation of our centre, ensuring that we provide a warm, trusting, safe environment for the children to flourish to their full potential. Our centre continues to provide the highest quality care to our children and families even after the Voluntary Accreditation Process ended in April 2020.
Highlights of the Program
Our Testimonials